I’ve had this sunflower pen since… I can’t even remember when. I think I got it at a bridal show as a freebie from some vendor. Now, I lose pens like it’s on purpose or something… I swear I can set one down and 5 seconds later it’s wandered off somewhere random. (Backpacks, the car,
More Burp Cloths and Rice Bags
I was really excited to finish off these burp cloths and get them sent out to my sister-in-law, who is expecting twins. The last set I made got a little delayed, and by that I mean the baby was born before I got those out the door. Whoops! So, my sister-in-law loves a lot of
Wallpaper, again
I am having trouble focusing at work. Does it show?? 0:-)
More Photoshop Brushes
I can’t help it… the brushes out there are just so pretty. Plus, I like to play with them after I download a bunch, to see which ones are worth keeping. Here’s another wallpaper that resulted from my tinkering around.
Burp Cloths
I started making burp cloths when we were pregnant with my son. I don’t know if it was the nesting instinct or what, but I wanted to have something for him that was handmade by mommy. They turned out to be so handy! I backed them with terrycloth and boy is that helpful when there’s